Industry Wide Reader Survey Results

1. How long have you been in the transmission industry?

Less than 5 years 3.26 %
5 to 10 years 6.52 %
10 to 20 years 27.17 %
20 to 30 years 41.30 %
30 and over 21.74 %

2. How long have you owned or worked in an automatic transmission repair business?

Less than 5 years 3.19 %
5 to 10 years 10.64 %
10 to 20 years 30.85 %
20 to 30 years 36.17 %
30 and over 19.15 %

3. What age group do you fall into?

20 to 30 3.19 %
30 to 40 24.47 %
40 to 50 41.49 %
50 to 60 22.34 %
Over 60 8.51 %

4. What is your educational background?

Less than High School Diploma 7.45 %
High School Diploma 0.85 %
Some college 41.49 %
College Degree 19.15 %
Advanced Degree 1.06 %

5. Is your business family owned and operated?

No 27.17 %
Yes, husband and wife 34.78 %
Yes, Parent and child 13.04 %
Yes, siblings
8.70 %
Yes, other 16.30 %

6. Do you own, rent, lease or are you purchasing your property?

Own 51.06 %
Rent 17.02 %
Lease 23.40 %
Purchasing 8.51 %

7. How are computers currently being used in your business?

Not currently using computers;
don't plan to in the near future
5.32 %
Own a personal computer but not
currently using it in business
8.51 %
Completely computerized 42.55 %
Partially computerized, i.e., book-keeping, word processing, or technical assistance 36.17 %
Not currently using computers
now, but plan to in the future
7.45 %

8. If you have a computer, do you have a modem?

Yes 87.64 %
No 12.36 %

9. If you have a computer, do you subscribe to an online service, such as America Online, Prodigy, Compu Serve?

Yes 73.33 %
No 26.67 %

10. Do you have a FAX machine?

Yes 96.77 %
No 3.23 %

11. What is the total number of people working in your business?

Three or less 34.04 %
4 to 6 30.85 %
6 to 10 19.15 %
10 to 15 10.64 %
15 or more 5.32 %

12. Do you employ an outside sales person?

Yes 7.53 %
No 92.47 %

13. How would you describe your current duties?

Owner only 5.32 %
Owner/Manager 19.15 %
Owner/Manager/Technician 63.83 %
Owner/Technician 11.70 %

14. Is your firm open?

Monday to Friday 60.22 %
Monday to Saturday
(1/2 day Saturday)
33.33 %
Monday to Saturday
(full day Saturday)
 3.23 %
Monday to Sunday 3.23 %

15. How many hours a week do you spend operating your business?

Less than 30 5.32 %
30 to 40 11.70 %
40 to 50 46.81 %
Over 50 36.17 %

16. Do you plan on staying in the transmission repair business?

Yes 66.67 %
Yes, I have no choice 12.90 %
No 8.60 %
Not sure 11.83 %

17. Is your business a:

Single shop  82.98 %
Multi-shop operation 8.51 %
Franchise 8.51 %

18. If multi-shop, how many locations do you have?

2 to 3 80.00 %
4 to 5 10.00 %
6 to 7 10.00 %
8 or more 0 %

19. Also, if you are a multi-shop operation, do you have centralized rebuilding?

Yes 66.67 %
No 33.33 %

20. What are your average weekly gross sales figures (per shop)?

0 to 5 thousand 29.41 %
5 to 10 thousand 29.41 %
10 to 15 thousand 20.00 %
15 to 20 thousand 11.76 %
25 and over 9.41 %

21. What is your average percent net profit?

0 to 5% 8.75 %
5 to 10% 20.00 %
10 to 15% 23.75 %
15 to 20% 25.00 %
Over 20% 22.50 %

22. Over the next 18 months, do you expect your business to:

Increase slightly 48.91 %
Increase substantially 23.91 %
Decrease slightly 4.35 %
Decrease substantially 2.17 %
Not sure 20.65 %

23. What is your average hourly pay rate for an R & R technician?

Less than $6.00 0 %
$6 to $10.00 15.56 %
$10 to $15.00 52.22 %
$15 to $20.00 24.44 %
Over $20.00 7.78 %

24. What is your average hourly pay rate for a Rebuilder?

Less than $10.00 1.12 %
$10 to $15 11.24 %
$15 to $20 33.71 %
$20 to $30 42.70 %
Over $30.00 11.24 %

25. What is your shops average number of complete automatic transmission rebuilds per month?

0 to 20 43.48 %
20 to 30 26.09 %
30 to 50 15.22 %
50 to 70 11.96 %
70 and over 3.26 %

26. What is your average price for a complete rebuild for a domestic automatic RWD unit?

Less than $400.00 0 %
$400 to $600 6.52 %
$600 to $900 18.48 %
$900 to $1,300 47.83 %
Over $1,300 27.17 %

27. What is your average price for a complete rebuild for a domestic automatic FWD unit?

Less than $800.00 1.09 %
$800 to $1,200 16.30 %
$1,200 to $1,800 60.87 %
$1,800 to $2,500 19.57 %
Over $2,500 2.17 %

28. Do you charge for diagnosis?

Never 16.13 %
Always 24.73 %
Yes, past a certain basic level 45.16 %
Only if it involves and electrical problem 13.98 %

29. What percent of remanufactured units are you currently using?

Less than 10% 91.30 %
10 to 20% 3.26 %
20 to 30% 1.09 %
30 to 50% 1.09 %
Over 50% 3.26 %

30. Do you feel you are getting the price you need for the work you do?

Yes 54.95 %
No 30.77 %
Not Sure 14.29 %

31. If you don't, what do you think is the greatest obstacle to getting the price you need?

Customer reluctance to pay 22.45 %
Lack of good sales skills 10.20 %
Competition from other businesses 30.61 %
Economic condition of the
36.73 %

32. What is your average price for a complete rebuild for an import automatic FWD?

Less than $1,200 5.75 %
$1,200 to $1,600 19.54 %
$1,600 to $2,000 47.13 %
$2,000 to $2,500 22.99 %
Over $2,500 4.60 %

33. If you work on Standard Transmissions, what percent of your business per month is standard transmission?

0 to 5% 59.09 %
6 to 15% 36.36 %
16 to 25% 4.55 %
Over 25% 0 %

34. Other than transmission repair and service, do you offer engine tune up?

Yes 21.51 %
No 78.49 %

35. Other than transmission repair and service, do you offer brake repair?

Yes 26.88 %
No 73.12 %

36. Other than transmission repair and service, do you offer drive shaft/cv joint/shocks?

Yes 84.78 %
No 15.22 %

37. Other than transmission repair and service, do you offer exhaust system repair?

Yes 16.13 %
No 83.87 %

38. Other than transmission repair and service, do you offer radiator repair?

Yes 31.18 %
No 68.82 %

39. Other than transmission repair and service, do you offer complete general repair?

Yes 21.74 %
No 78.26 %

40. In the next year, do you plan on expanding the services you offer to your customers?

Yes 22.58 %
No 77.42 %

41. Do you have a production/performance pay program for your employees?

Yes 33.33 %
No 66.67 %

42. Do you have a medical insurance program for you employees?

No 37.63 %
Yes, premiums are paid entirely by employees 6.45 %
Yes, employees contribute partially to program 22.58 %
Yes, premiums are entirely paid by the business 26.88 %
Yes, family coverage paid by the business 6.45 %

43. Do you have the following for your employees, shop safety program?

Yes 56.52 %
No 43.48 %

44. Do you have the following for your employees, shop policy on drug and alcohol use?

Yes 48.39 %
No 51.61 %

45. Do you have the following for your employees, employee retirement program?

Yes 22.58 %
No  77.42 %

46. Do you have the following for your employees, educational incentive program?

Yes 36.96 %
No 63.04 %

47. What percentage of your gross sales is directed to advertising?

1% 27.17 %
2 to 4% 31.52 %
5 to 7% 26.09 %
8 to 10% 8.70 %
Over 10% 6.52 %

48. Do you spend your advertising dollar on yellow pages?

Yes 88.17 %
No 11.83 %

 49. Do you spend your advertising dollar on television?

Yes 18.28 %
No 81.72 %

50. Do you spend your advertising dollar on print media; newspapers, magazines, shoppers?

Yes 46.74 %
No 53.26 %

51. Do you spend your advertising dollar on radio?

Yes 32.97 %
No 67.03 %

 52. How effective do you think your advertising dollar is?

Very effective 12.90 %
Effective 60.22 %
Not very effective 12.90 %
Hard to say 13.98 %

53. Do you have a program to track customer satisfaction and service?

No 38.04 %
No, I would like to have one 34.78 %
Yes 27.17 %

54. Do you offer a nationwide warranty?

Yes 61.29 %
No 38.71 %

55. Do you offer a local limited warranty?

Yes 79.57 %
No 20.43 %

56. Do you offer a service contract warranty?

Yes 21.51 %
No 78.49 %

57. Do you offer your customers a 6 month or less warranty?

Yes 37.36 %
No 62.64 %

58. Do you offer your customers a one year warranty?

Yes 82.61 %
No 17.39 %

59. Do you offer your customers an over one year and up to 2 years warranty?

Yes 39.78 %
No 60.22 %

60. Do you offer your customers over a 2 year warranty?

Yes 26.09 %
No 73.91 %

61. How often do you do reworks for other repair shops warranties?

Less than 5 a year 66.30 %
6 to 10 per year 20.65 %
11 to 15 per year 6.52 %
Over 15 per year 6.52 %

62. Do you do repair for auto dealers?

Yes 70.97 %
No 29.03 %

63. Do you do fleet service repair?

Yes 77.17 %
No 22.83 %

64. Do you do sub-contract for general repair?

Yes 60.22 %
No 39.78 %

65. Do you do warranty or service contract repair?

Yes 76.34 %
No 23.66 %

66. What percentage of parts do you keep in inventory?

10 to 20% 33.33 %
20 to 40% 22.58 %
40 to 60% 13.98 %
60 to 80% 13.98 %
80% and over 16.13 %

67. What changes do you plan for your current inventory for next year?

Increase 30.11 %
Decrease 12.90 %
Stay the same 51.61 %
Not sure 5.38 %

68. Do you plan to purchase a lift in 2002?

Yes 39.78 %
No 60.22 %

69. Do you plan to purchase a transmission jack in 2002?

Yes 27.96 %
No 72.04 %

70. Do you plan to purchase a parts washer in 2002?

Yes 14.89 %
No 85.11 %

71. Do you plan to purchase a computer and or shop operating software in 2002?

Yes 39.78 %
No 60.22 %

72. Do you plan to purchase testing/diagnostic equipment (electronic) in 2002?

Yes 69.57 %
No 30.43 %

73. Do you plan on making any major purchases next year?

Yes 27.78 %
Only if I have to 63.33 %
No, I just can't afford to 1.11 %
No, I have everything needed
for my business
7.78 %

74. When you make a major purchase do you most often:

Purchase for cash 54.35 %
Purchase with a loan 26.09 %
Lease/Rent 19.57 %

75. What is your comeback ratio for major repair?

Less than 3% 45.16 %
3 to 5% 35.48 %
6 to 10% 13.98 %
11 to 15% 5.38 %
Over 15% 0 %

76. What do you feel is the most common reason for the majority of your comebacks?

Workmanship 34.83 %
Customer abuse of transmission 8.99 %
Part failure 43.82 %
Mis-diagnosis of real problem 10.11 %
Uneducated consumer 2.25 %

77. What do you feel is the one greatest problem  facing this industry?

Availability of quality trained employees 65.93 %
Government regulations 2.20 %
Computerization/electronics of drive-train 15.38 %
General economic conditions 13.19 %
Availability of continuing education 3.30 %